How many calories should I eat a day?
How many calories should i eat a day? maybe 800?
hi! i'm a 15 year old girl, 5'7, and i weigh 91-92 pounds. but i feel like my thighs are so disgusting and squishy, so i definitely want to lose some weight. i was supposed to start today, but i completely caved. ): i had a clementine, a 100 cal rice krispie, a 100 cal pack of chips, and a whole sandwich! plus like half a bowl of cereal for breakfast. but tomorrow i'm definitely cutting down. does 800 calories a day sound like a good goal? i want to lose like 10 pounds, but then keep going. that's just a starter goal. how quickly can i do this and how many calories a day would i have to eat to do it? THANKS!
No - you really have to eat 1500 to 2000 a day - 800 is starvation, and it will screw you up. Food is used to make parts - nerve parts, muscle parts, glandular parts, bone parts. So you need good quality food - eggs, cheese, fish, meat, nuts. These are the foods you can make body parts out of - you can't make anything out of Pop-Tarts.
So have some real food - and you'll find that if you eat real food, it's SO MUCH EASIER to resist the garbage sugar/pie/doughnut/craploa that lots of Americans live on.
if you want to loose wait you have to be rational about
you seem skinny enough but if you want to eat less it requires being careful what i would do is
for one day carry a notebook around with you and record every single thing that goes into your stomach- record the name, calories, and total fat
total it up at the end of the day and if you do any workouts or such subtract those calories ! do not do not do not eat less on purpose u must eat the normal amount you usually would
now I would subtract about 300-400 calories from there and diet.
but don't go below 1,200 as you will hurt your body
it helps if you record what you eat
if u hve an iphone download an app i know one that is called my net diary. they also have a website use it and see how u can improve
good luck!
How many calories should I eat a day?
I am 15 years old and around 6 feet tall. I weigh 165 pounds and I want to loose about 15 pounds. How many calories should I eat a day?
Well The least you should ever eat it 1200 so i recon you should go with mabe 1200-1500.
Don't EVER lessen food intake to diet.
Exercise and eat healthier. That's alI I can say.
How many calories should I eat a day to maintain abs? Vegetarians?
I go into these phases where I see myself as "fat" and want to lose weight and care so desperately about my body. It can be a blessing and a curse. Blessing - i will never be obese. Curse - It's annoying, I never get to eat what I want
Alright, I am currently 16 years old, I am a vegetarian. I've been one for around 6-8 months. I weigh around 145-148. I do crunches on a "situp machine" daily. 175 a day on a medium/high setting.
How many calories should I eat a day to maintain abs? I don't have abs yet, but I can feel my stomach getting "stronger."
Everyday I've been limiting my caloric intake heavily. I have been getting from 1100-1400 calories a day so far.
How many should I eat to maintain abs? Thank you.
Calories - do not count. It has been proved several times over in different parts of the world by eminent researchers that it is not the calories but the quality of food that you eat makes up your health. Even if a person eats only 800 calories a day one can be very healthy and active.
1. If the food chosen is fresh, natural foods containing plenty of water, vitamins, essential mineral salts, in alkaline medium and are subtle in taste, it will be very useful.
2. Ideal examples of such foods are (naturally) well ripe fruits. These are full of essential nutrients and ready to be digested. Fruits should better be eaten alone. In the sense, do not mix fruits. Eat one kind of fruits in one meal.
3. Next in coice are fresh raw vegetables with a combination matching color and varieties of tastes. Raw vegetable salads should be eaten without, salt, lime, oil or any commercial dressings. We can make them very tasty by combining them with shredded coconut, sliced or cubed tomatoes, finely cut celantro (corriander) leaves. Other choices could be add sprouted grains, avocado or soaked and ground almonds ( not to exceed 1 or 2 table spoonfuls) By this way you have a variety of tastes with adequate supply of proteins, fats along with all essential vitamins and mineral salts.
4. One meal of the day could be conservatively cooked vegetables along with brown rice or whole wheat chapathis. It is even better to knead the wheat flower with some gratings of vegetables like carrots, raddish, or ground up spinach.
5. Among exercises, it is better to choose some yoga postures also in addition of regular exercise like jogging, push-ups and the like.
6. Generally, remember to keep good posture, while sitting, standing, walking etc.
7. Do not keep chicking your body, but keep checking your habits very soon.
Practical Nature Cure by Lakshmana Sarma
How Many Calories Should I Eat a Day? Answer is Here!
When people want to start losing weight or want to be conscious about what they eat, they tend to ask themselves the question "How many calories should I eat a day?" This question can be answered by taking into many other criteria.
The number of calories to be consumed by a person can be determined by deciding the type of work and the number of hours of work.
This also differs by age and also by gender. Mostly men need to take more number of calories as compared to women. The number of calories to be consumed also depends on the weight of the body.
An average man weighing 60 kg will have to take 2425 cal/day if he were doing sedentary work, 2875 if moderate and 3800 if he were a heavy worker. A woman of average 50 kg will have to take 1875 Kcal/d in sedentary work, 2225 in moderate and 2925 with heavy work.
A pregnant woman will have to take 3225 calories and lactating mother 3725 calories. Infants of weight 5.5 kg need to consume 180 calories per day.
The recommended energy allowance can be calculated in terms of BMR which can bederived from the BMI of the person.
Learn the Best Calorie Intakes & Diets to Lose Weight Easily > CLICK HERE! <
These calories are decided by the Nutrition Advisory Committee of Indian Council of Medical Research which sets these details on the recommended dosage of all foods.
The answer of "How many calories should I eat a day", can be answered by taking into consideration the daily activities of a person. The daily requirement of calories may vary along with the jobs; hence one is never sure that he does the same jobs every day.
So to be on the safer side and not end up consuming too many calories, one should set a schedule and try to follow the diet plan. A snack here or there on certain days will not lead to a serious increase in calories; though keeping exact count every day can become a tiring situation.
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Learn the Best Calorie Intakes & Diets to Lose Weight Easily > CLICK HERE! <
How many calories should I eat a day? See Why this will not help you lose weight
If you are wondering "How many calories should I eat a day it is really a question that will not help you lose weight. The reason is because Science has revealed that the real cause of weight gain problems is food chemicals not calories. This is the reason people diet and cannot lose weight. There are so many different diets and almost all will fail you. This is because very few diets actually reverse the cause of the weight problems. Asking how many calories should I eat a day is why people cannot lose weight. What you should be asking is what diet helps reverse weight problems
There are so many different diets and they all will fail you. This is because few diets can heal the cause of the weight problem. It is popular to tell people that they should avoid carbs or fat. This is really horrible advice. People have been eating carbs and fat since the beginning of time and they never had the weight problem that we do today. This shows that the problem is not calories or too much carbs. The problem is also not low fat. All of these diets will fail you in the end. They may seem like they are working but they are not. In fact many of this diets will hurt your body. Low carbs have been shown to hurt the brain. It is hard to concentrate on low carbs because it is not natural. How many calories should I eat a day is a very bad question and you will not lose weight by counting calories.
Science has revealed that the only way to lose weight is to remove food chemicals. Food chemicals are the cause of all weight problems. When a diabetes reverse diet started causing people to get a normal weight it was a surprise to many. The diet healed the "cause" of weight problems. Science revealed that even those without diabetes were getting a normal weight while eating sugar,fat and carbs. SEE HERE SPIRIT HAPPY DIET
Research in Europe has revealed that the old diets of eliminating fat or carbs do not work and can hurt the body. Those asking how many calories should I eat a day are those who will have the hardest time losing weight because they are asking the wrong question.
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About the Author
Scott Waye is an expert on curing weight problems and diabetes. He is a University Teacher on health in Europe
Calculating How Many Calories Should I Eat a Day
Author: Jack Bush
Have you ever asked yourself, "How many calories should I eat a day to lose weight?" Are you wondering how many calories that you need to consume daily in order to maintain a certain weight? A reasonable ballpark figure is about 1500 calories each day for the average woman and 2000 calories each day for the average man. The flaw with using these numbers is that not everyone is average. To find the number that is appropriate for your body, it's necessary for you to do a little simple math.
There is a simple formula, which has something to do with the Harris-Benedict principle that will enable you to calculate your basal metabolic rate or BMR. Once you have calculated that number you can then determine how you should adjust your caloric intake to either lose, gain, or maintain your weight.
Calculating Your BMR
Answering the question, "How many calories should I be eating each day," involves calculation your BMR. Your BMR is the base number of calories that your body requires simply to stay alive and breathe, without any additional exercise or demands upon it.
For Women: BMR = 655 + (4.35 × W) + (4.7 × H) – (4.7 × A)
For Men: BMR = 66 + (6.23 × W) + (12.7 × H) - (6.8 × A)
Where W = Weight in pounds, H = Height in inches, and A = Age in years.
A man with a weight of 195.2 pounds, height of 70 inches, and age of 29 would have a BMR of 1973.89. (BMR = 66 + (6.23 x 195.2) + (12.7 x 70) - (6.8 x 29) = 1,973.89)
Calculating Your Daily Activity
In order to calculate your actual caloric needs, you will need to multiply your BMR by a numerical factor representing your level of activity. These activity factors are provided below.
* You're sedentary with little or no exercise: Actual caloric need is BMR × 1.2
* You participate in light exercise and sports: Actual caloric need is BMR × 1.375
* You participate in moderate exercise and sports: Actual caloric need is BMR × 1.55
* You are very active with hard exercise and sports: Actual caloric need is BMR × 1.725
* You participate in very hard exercise and sports: Actual caloric need is BMR × 1.9
If you sit in an office all day staring into a computer then you would be considered sedentary and, based upon the above sample BMR, you would require 1,973.89 x 1.2 = 2,368.67 calories each day to maintain your weight as it currently is.
You can easily perform this calculation for your own body. Simply calculate your BMR as shown in the example above, and multiply is by the appropriate activity factor given above. The answer will indicate how many calories that you should consume each day in order to maintain your present weight. To lose weight, you should decrease the number of calories; to gain weight, you should increase that number.
Eating to Lose Weight
To gain one pound of weight you need to consume 3500 calories. Every time you eat 3500 more calories than you need to maintain your current weight, you'll gain one pound. It's simple. To lose weight, you need to do the opposite. You need to cut down on calories so that your body experiences a caloric deficiency. The greater the deficiency, the more weight you'll lose.
The question, "How many calories should I eat a day?" has been answered. If you remember what you just read about BMR, it is a number that reflects your current weight. As you lose weight you'll need to recalculate that BMR using your new current weight to determine the calories that you will then need. It may be that you initially determined that you would have to reduce your caloric intake to 2000 calories to reach your goal weight. Once you've lost a few pounds, a recalculation of your BMR may show that you now only need to consume 1800 calories a day to reach that goal.
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If you want to find more information about muscle building programs, Please check it out at muscle gaining secrets. It is a proven program of step-by-step guide to help you gain more muscle mass. Read the muscle gaining secrets review for more.